Photo Talk about Travel
Cuba, Nepal, Bhutan and Beyond
Bruce Byers and Jim Reed
with Berger Brothers Camera
at the store or online
Oct 21st 2021
It’s time to get out of the house and get your eyes seeing again
Travel with
Talk is free , in-store or on-line
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The staff of Berger Brothers Camera is always here to answer any questions you can think of about photography and the latest equipment.
Berger Bros 226 West Jericho Tpk., Syosset NY 11791 Phone: 516-496-1000
Join us online or in the store for a great talk about travel photography. We will talk about what to expect on local photo walks and workshops around the world. From inside Berger Brothers Camera store, Jim and Bruce will talk travel, equipment and how to take your photography to the next level. They will take you onto the streets of places like Cuba, Nepal, Bhutan, China and other places in the world, giving you the ins and outs of what to expect and the value of doing workshops. Think of this as a fireside chat amongst the shelfs of great equipment.
For the past 30 plus years, Bruce Byers has been walking the streets of NY and the world. He is always with camera and a desire to capture what he sees. As head photographer and owner of Camera Odysseys, Bruce has guided and taught photographers of all levels to “See with their eyes and capture with their cameras” and have lots of fun doing it.
Jim Reed is a landscape and fine art photographer. He has years of experience as a lighting instructor with Broncolor, has operated commercial photography and portrait photo studios, worked in advertising and has been a representative for Hasselblad for 20 years. His expertise with equipment will get you comfortable with your gear, allowing you to create. His years of photography has given Jim the expertise to take your photography to the next level.
Bruce and Jim also offer private one on one and group walks. Contact Bruce to set-up your walk today. 917-992-1453
All staff of Camera Odysseys have been vaccinated
Please if you can, get vaccinated
We will wear masks indoors and when we are close or traveling together outside.
We will practice social distancing